7 MARCH 2016


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Article from BTNews 7 MARCH 2016

AND FINALLY: Road opening

The opening of the Great Northern Way (see in this issue) reminds the editor in chief of an incident in East Africa.

When visiting the international airport, he was proudly informed that the new motorway to the city was nearly complete.

A few days later he met the Minister and asked if a date had been announced.

“But I officially opened the road last week,” he said.  “It was on national TV”.

It seems that was the only day he was available for the ceremony.

The locals were still waiting to try the road!

And now he is no longer the Minister!


Please see AND FINALLY for the way it is done in the UK.  Often the road is open before the cutting of the official tape!

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OUR READERS' FINEST WORDS (All times and dates are GMT)

All comments are filtered to exclude any excesses but the Editor does not have to agree with what is being said. 100 words maximum

Anthony Keane, Dublin Ireland

This reminds me of a working visit to the airport authority of a West African country. On our way to the airport on their brand new motorway, there was a delay as there was a body of a man lying where he had been hit in the \'fast lane\'. Everyone just drove around the poor man. On the following day, the body was still there but now surrounded by red/white cones. The same on our third day. We asked why and were told 'oh the relatives of the man are responsible for removal of the body'! We asked 'have they been informed?' and the answer was 'maybe he hasn't been missed yet'.
