24 AUGUST 2015


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Article from BTNews 24 AUGUST 2015

Ryanair loses important court case

A Court case that might have implications not just for Ryanair but all airlines has been lost by the Irish carrier.  The ruling, at Manchester County Court,  allows passengers six years to claim money back from the airline if their flight is delayed.  (see  BTN  10 August)

Ryanair said in a statement:

“We note this ruling which reverses Lower Court orders that a two year time limit for claims is reasonable.

Since we believe a six year time limit for submitting such claims is both unnecessary and unreasonable, we have instructed our lawyers to immediately appeal this ruling”.

Last year the UK Supreme Court ruled delayed passengers in England and Wales have six years to claim.  However, Ryanair said passengers who choose to fly with them accept their terms and conditions, including the two year claim period.  www.ryanair.com

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