2 MARCH 2015
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We are told that the coming together of Brazil’s TAM Airlines and LAN of Chile to create the LATAM Airlines Group, now legally completed, will be shortly resolved in terms of a marketing identity. TAM flies daily from Heathrow to São Paulo and will on 27 May move from T1 to T3, joining its oneworld associates. Two-class Boeing 777-300s are used on the service with a flight time of around 12hrs. Which lounge it will occupy for Business Class passengers is yet to be resolved.
LAN only operates to European continental destinations.
“We’ve a long way to go,” said Martin Modarelli, UK Commercial Manager. “We have only 20% of the UK market but the quality of the product is now spreading amongst regular travellers to South America. The numbers are improving the whole time.”
TAM announced last year (See BTN 5 May 2014) that it was dropping First Class, the Business cabin upgrade now virtually complete on the whole fleet.
Gate Gourmet are the UK catering suppliers, closely supervised by the TAM team. At a Heathrow presentation Hugo Pantano, the airline's Master Chef, gave a most interesting presentation explaining the airline's philosophy and the high quality demanded from the airline. What was served was very good. www.latamairlinesgroup.net
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