2 MARCH 2015
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After an absence of seven years, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Global Summit returns to a European venue – Madrid (Spain) 15-16 April.
The 15th annual WTTC gathering will once again unite travel and tourism leaders from across the whole world, bringing together top representatives from the public and private sectors, from travel associations and the media in a unique networking and discussion forum.
WTTC is the advocacy group that represents the private sector of the travel and tourism industry. The Summit is a networking event as much as an opportunity to hear some top speakers.
Speakers at the Global Summit are drawn from all aspects of the sector and allied industries. Listed for Madrid as speakers are Ana Patricia Botin, Executive Chairman, Banco de Santander; Richard Fenning, CEO, Control Risks; Julie Meyer, CEO, Ariadne Capital; Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, World Tourism Organization; Tony Tyler, CEO, IATA; Chip Conley, Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy, Airbnb; and Luis Gallego, CEO, Iberia.
Attendance is complimentary and by invitation only for those holding the most senior positions in travel and tourism in the public and private sector. www.wttc.org
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