2 MARCH 2015


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Article from BTNews 2 MARCH 2015

SWISS upgrades

New lounges will be opened for Senator-status travellers and Business customers at Zurich Airport’s Dock E in the fourth quarter of this year as SWISS pushes on with its service upgrade programme.

The spacious new facility will extend over some 2,000sq metres, and will feature a terrace with views of the airport runways and the Alps beyond.  Both lounges will offer a range of freshly-prepared meals, and are located conveniently close to the departure gates for SWISS long haul flights.
On board SWISS is expanding the range of its culinary offering, providing a wider selection of starters and adding a separate cheese course in Business Class.  The full meal service is also accompanied by a “quick meal” option, which enables the customer to decide for themselves whether to enjoy their meal to the full or use the time to rest – an option that is particularly welcome on night flights.
SWISS is acting as a Europe-wide ambassador to advocate the virtue of attentiveness and is currently working with renowned light artist Gerry Hofstetter to illuminate iconic monuments and buildings in cities across Europe this winter.  The project aims to celebrate personal attentiveness and each installation will feature the eyes of SWISS cabin crew to symbolise eye contact between people.    www.hofstetter-marketing.com   www.swiss.com

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