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Article from BTNews 1 DECEMBER 2014

Airport connectivity Task Force

A 15-strong independent Task Force has been created to examine the current and future requirement for improved connectivity between the UK’s regions and the major hub/gateway airports short-listed by the Airports Commission. 

The Group comprises international and UK experts from across academia, the aviation industry and all the regions of the UK.  Included are Sir Rod Eddington, former Chief Executive of British Airways; Neil Pakey, past President of Airport Operators Association (AOA); and Sir Peter Rigby, Chairman of Patriot Aerospace which takes in Coventry and Exeter Airports and British International Helicopters.

As firm advocates for connectivity, the Group will make recommendations on what needs to be achieved and how it can be practically delivered (both before and after the new runway capacity is built), in time to inform the Airports Commission’s national consultation.  The Task Force will set out proposals optimised for local, regional and national economies across the UK with the objective that a ‘globally’ competitive airport system is accessible to all parts of the UK, including the Channel Islands.  In a strongly worded statement it emphasized that regional airports should not rely on hub airports located outside GB for their global connectivity. Submissions to the Task Force close 19 December.  www.nationalconnectivitytaskforce.co.uk

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