28 JULY 2014


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Article from BTNews 28 JULY 2014

Cranfield research centre

A new Aerospace Integration Research Centre is to be built at Cranfield University with co-investment partners Airbus and Rolls-Royce, following the award of funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

The Centre will provide dedicated space and specialist equipment to address future grand challenges which face the aerospace sector.  Responding to the Witty report of 2013, which recommended closer collaboration between leading researchers, industrial supply chain partners and key economic players, the Centre will expand upon the regional aerospace hub of research and technology programmes, carried out by higher education partners and global businesses, all with established aerospace expertise.

The Centre will directly contribute to the competitiveness and prosperity of the aerospace industry and the wider UK economy, safe-guarding existing jobs and creating additional work opportunities within the UK aerospace and academic sectors.

Building on Cranfield’s aerospace heritage since 1946, the Centre, opening in 2016, will be a collaborative, world-leading, research facility.  Through the integration of airframes, propulsion and other systems and technologies, the Centre will research innovative aerospace technologies to enhance performance, emission control and efficiency targets on future aircraft.  www.cranfield.ac.uk

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