11 NOVEMBER 2013


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Article from BTNews 11 NOVEMBER 2013

British Government to strip GA red tape

The Government and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have announced plans to strip away unnecessary bureaucracy from the UK General Aviation (GA) sector. 

Laurie Price, who knows his way around Westminster from his period as Aviation Adviser, House of Commons Transport Select Committee, is to Chair what is termed ‘The Challenge Panel’ due to report by April 2014.

Mr Price holds a Private Pilots Licence (PPL) as does Grant Shapps MP, Chairman of the Conservative Party and Minister without Portfolio in the Cabinet Office, who launched this initiative at the CAA last week, an event that was also attended by Aviation Minister Robert Goodwill.  The General Aviation sector includes flights other than commercial scheduled air services.  Most of the world’s air traffic falls into this category, from gliders to corporate flights.

The CAA is setting up a new GA Unit dedicated to more proportionate, effective regulation that supports and encourages a dynamic GA sector for the UK.

Explaining the role of the new Unit, CAA Chair Dame Deirdre Hutton said: “We are absolutely committed to improving the way we regulate GA.  The new, dedicated GA Unit is a formal recognition that GA needs a different and less onerous regulatory regime to commercial air transport. www.caa.co.uk

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