22 JULY 2013


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Article from BTNews 22 JULY 2013

Stansted and ‘Davies’

The new owner of Stansted, MAG, has set out the Essex airport’s potential for the future and in the short, medium and long-term.  They have presented to the Airport Commission a range of options for further study in 2014 and 2015.

MAG submission is called  ‘Capacity for Growth’.  MAG’s owners include the ratepayers of Manchester.

Charlie Cornish, Chief Executive of MAG, said: “Our short-term priority is to make Stansted better for passengers than ever before, and we’ve made major progress in our first four months of ownership, including starting work on an £80m terminal transformation.

The options for Stansted include for an additional runway, either to the north-west of the existing runway (with capacity of between 70m-80m passengers a year) or to the east of the existing runway (with capacity up to around 90m passengers a year).  MAG is also suggesting an airport with four runways with capacity of between 140m-160m passengers a year.  They say capacity development at Stansted would support London’s development to the east and along the Stansted – Cambridge corridor, and act as a catalyst for growth and productivity in a region that will be critical to driving economic growth in the UK for the future. www.magworld.co.uk

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