24 JUNE 2013


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Article from BTNews 24 JUNE 2013

Heathrow survey

London’s Heathrow airport is better located for passengers, business and jobs than a new hub airport at Stansted or in the Thames Estuary, according to a new analysis.  The report, entitled ‘Best placed for Britain’, says that expanding Heathrow is the quickest way for Britain to get ahead in the global race, connecting the UK to growing markets around the world faster and at less cost to the taxpayer than any other hub option.  The report was commissioned by Heathrow as part of new evidence to present to the Airports Commission under Sir Howard Davies. 

On 17 August Heathrow is to reveal what are rumoured to be new runway plans, just two days before the submissions are due to close.  With Heathrow's date published, media and other interested parties will be ready to comment.

None of the findings come of a surprise.  Compiled by planning consultants AECOM and Quod on behalf of the airport, the report notes that the 76,600 people directly employed at Heathrow would face re-location or redundancy if Heathrow was replaced by a new airport.  Increased travel times would affect 90% of passengers.

The full report 'Best placed for Britain' is available online at: http://mediacentre.heathrowairport.com

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