18 MARCH 2013


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Article from BTNews 18 MARCH 2013

Biggin Hill business jet gathering

Business Aircraft Europe will take place at Biggin Hill Airport in South East London 11 and 12 September 2013.

The event will be held in a new inside static display area and will include OEMs, maintenance providers, interior specialists, avionics suppliers, fuel companies, flight planners and various ground service suppliers.  A parallel free seminar programme is being organised.

The aerodrome (during the Battle of Britain in 1940 the front line of the aerial defence of the capital) now claims to be the only – and closest – dedicated business airport actually in London (the Borough of Bromley).

Its main runway 03/21 at 1,803m can take virtually any business jet.  Currently based at the facility are around 60 executive aircraft from four-seat Citations to ultra long range Gulfstream, Global and Falcon jets.  It recently hosted one of the first Gulfstream 650 production corporate jets which was en route from Philadelphia to Goa in a quick, 45-minute stopover.

RizonJet’s award winning fixed base operation (FBO) will be available for viewing.  The airport's other major FBO is “Jets”, formerly Jet Aviation owned by 328 Support Services, located near Munich (Germany), which includes Jet Engineering Technical Support at Bournemouth Airport in the UK. www.bigginhillairport.com

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