24 JANUARY 2011


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Article from BTNews 24 JANUARY 2011

Basel arrives for bmi but Glasgow may go

British Midland International (bmi) is to serve Basel from both Heathrow and Manchester from the start of the summer season 27 March 2011.  The routes will be operated in partnership with Swiss, and offer three flights per day on weekdays between Heathrow and Basel, with two services on Saturdays and Sundays, and a daily weekday flight between Manchester and Basel.  Both airlines are owned by Lufthansa.

Services will be flown by bmi using an Airbus A319 aircraft offering a Business Class and Economy cabin.  The airline faces stiff competition, the route already served from London by BA (Heathrow), Swiss (London City) and easyJet (Gatwick).

In the meantime bmi is known to be reviewing its loss making UK domestic services with all eyes on the five times daily Glasgow route said to be the most likely for the axe.  This could open up the airport to an operation from London City both British Airways and CityJet offering frequent flights to Edinburgh but not its rival Scottish city. www.flybmi.com

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