27 APRIL 2009


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Article from BTNews 27 APRIL 2009

OAG highlights airline slowdown

OAG schedules database for April has revealed that airlines worldwide will operate 6% fewer flights in the month compared to the same period in 2008, with seat capacity reduced by 3%The total number of scheduled flights operating in April 2009 is 2.3m with an overall seat offering of 287m.  For Europe, the number of flights operated is down by 8% with a 7% drop in seats.  Interestingly traffic to and from Europe is less affected with a marginal drop in frequency and in capacity.  The Middle Eastern region continues to grow and reflects a big upward trend yet again with a 15% rise in capacity to and from the region.  The world's largest market, North America, has a drop in capacity of 8%.  It should be noted that these figures show the number of seats offered and sectors flown, the airlines normally listing passengers carried and revenue miles. www.oagaviation.com

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