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Article from BTNews 14 SEPTEMBER 2020

Recaro seats and Covid-19

German airline seat manufacturer Recaro, always an innovative organisation, (see BTN 9 March) has come up with a low-cost Covid-19 seat protection scheme.

Mark Hiller, Chief Executive, told Bloomberg: “There is definitely large interest from airlines from across the different regions. Even if airlines aren’t going to buy new planes, they might go for cabins that are more comfortable or adapted to Covid.”

Recaro, which sold 150,000 airline seats last year, says barriers could be installed between seats to cut the risk of coronavirus spreading on flights.  Masks are compulsory with most airlines.

Designs have been drawn up for low-cost alterations after concerns over infections linked to holiday flights.

Recaro has come up with innovations designed to improve safety, including a transparent foil canopy around the headrest to cut the chance of the virus spreading between passengers seated next to each other.

Airlines have insisted that the air inside cabins is cleaner than in other confined spaces because of the use of high-efficiency particulate air filters that recycle air every four minutes, in trapping particles, including viruses, and creating an environment similar to that in a hospital operating theatre.


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