27 JULY 2020


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Article from BTNews 27 JULY 2020

Cruise company folds

Tilbury finale for ships.

Cruise & Maritime Voyages (CMV), the British cruise operator, has gone into administration, but no passengers are involved, all six ships operating in the UK market having returned to the Tilbury Port base.

There is a serious problem concerning some foreign crew who are out of contract, do not meet the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency regulations, have not been repatriated and remain on board.

Paul Williams, Phil Dakin and Edward Bines of Duff & Phelps have been appointed joint administrators of the companies involved.  

“The travel, tourism and wider hospitality industry has been engulfed with a devastating and unprecedented global pandemic of seismic proportions impacting very hard on CMV’s once-thriving cruise business compounded by last week’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advisory against cruise travel,” Williams said.

“Unfortunately, despite the collective very best efforts and being very close to securing the long-term finance needed, CMV was unable to conclude the funding within the timescales required, which has led to the administration of the business.”

CMV specialised in giving life to elderly ships, a concept clearly liked by passengers, typified by Astoria, Swedish-built in 1948, and as MV Stockholm involved with sinking of the Italian liner SS Andrea Doria in July 1956.   CMV capacity for 2020 was said to be 90% sold.  It is Tilbury’s largest cruise operator.


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Paul Kay, London, UK

....Hey Malcolm!.... Looking at these vintage cruise ships here which look more romantic than the floating skyscrapers...what about these World travelling 'Cargo' ships one can cruise on that take a handful of passengers....how about doing a piece on sailing into the sunset on one of those ? ...."Take a break Captain...I'll take over the steering"...

Paul Jones, London

All a little sad. Fine small company not setting the world alight but offering a good service at the right price. I for one will miss them. And I prefer Tilbury to Southampton.
