25 MARCH 2019


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Article from BTNews 25 MARCH 2019

BA A350 unveils Club Suite

In a bid to outmanoeuvre Virgin Atlantic, whose new Upper Class will be revealed shortly, British Airways has launched what it calls its ‘Club Suite’ for both the A350 and Boeing 777. Delivery of the first A350 is expected in July.

It follows news of BA’s new look for its First Class cabins (BTN 11 March) being introduced from 31 March, also as part of the £6.5bn revamp of customer service under way by the airline.

The newly-branded Club Suite (below) will have direct-aisle access, a door for greater privacy and flat-bed seats in a 1x2x1 configuration. Other features include 40% more storage, PC/USB power points, wi-fi and 18.5in inflight entertainment screens.

BA says its A350s will also promote “a feeling of well-being, space and calm” thanks to reduced noise levels, high ceilings and time-sensitive lighting plus higher levels of humidity and refreshed air with cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000ft.

Along with the new 56-seat Club World cabin, the A350 will also feature the latest World Traveller Plus cabin, also with 56 seats, with new furnishings, enhanced service and improved dining.

The A350 will begin long-haul operations from 1 October as another three A350s join the fleet and two Boeing B777 aircraft are retrofitted with the new cabin.


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