12 DECEMBER 2016


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Article from BTNews 12 DECEMBER 2016

Carbon-neutral Manchester

Manchester Airport has become the first in the UK to be awarded Level 3+ carbon-neutral status in the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme run by the Airports Council International (ACI). A commemorative certificate was handed over by ACI Europe director-general Olivier Jankovec at a meeting at the airport with CEO Ken O’Toole to celebrate the achievement.

Over the past decade, the airport has significantly reduced the energy it uses, saving the same amount used by 10,000 homes each year. In addition, the airport buys all its electricity from renewable sources and has purchased verified carbon offsets to compensate for remaining emissions has also purchased verified carbon offsets. Collectively, these initiatives are said to have reduced emissions from the energy and fuel used to operate the terminals, runways and facilities at the airport from 72,000 tonnes CO2e in 2006 to zero in 2016.

The airport has invested more than £7.5m in energy-efficiency projects, working with local and national businesses to develop innovative lighting solutions. The energy-management team have installed more than 25,000 low-energy LED lights throughout the facility, including the first on any UK runway.


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David Bentley, Manchester, United Kingdom

They should scrap the 'airport city' and lay out acres of renewable energy cloud and rain panels instead. Be innovative, Ken.
