12 DECEMBER 2016


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Article from BTNews 12 DECEMBER 2016

Cargo surge at Heathrow

In a result attributed to the go-ahead for its third runway, Heathrow has reported a 7% surge in cargo volumes for October. The announcement noted that Heathrow is Britain’s largest port, accounting for almost 30% of all UK exports by value outside the EU last year.

Cargo growth was particularly strong to fast-growing markets in Latin America and East Asia, with Mexico up 28%, China up 21% and Brazil up 18%. Trade with India, the world’s fastest-growing large economy, also increased in October, with cargo up 3.1% following prime minister Theresa May’s first bilateral overseas visit.

The Heathrow statement described the government’s support for a new runway as a major boost for the UK economy. “The decision to back Heathrow and expand the country’s biggest port underlined the UK’s ‘open for business’ credentials,” the statement said. 

Further implications for cargo traffic came with the news that Britain’s supply chain benefited from an immediate boost following the government’s decision as Heathrow confirmed £50m of contracts would be issued before the end of 2017. 

The airport said 95% of its procurement spend on expansion will be with the British supply chain, with 60% of it coming from outside London.


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