3 OCTOBER 2016


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Article from BTNews 3 OCTOBER 2016

Heathrow and the regions

With one eye on the Tory party conference Heathrow announced last week what it called a ‘Brexit boost’ designed to boost UK regions' connectivity.  See also ON THE SOAPBOX.

Proposed is up to 25,000 more air traffic movements a year on current operational levels, whilst the third runway is being built.  Heathrow would work with Government to ring fence capacity for domestic flights and long-haul route growth and give a £10 discount for every departing passenger to a UK destination.

Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye said: “This Brexit Boost Plan is our commitment to making Britain stronger and fairer for everyone – faster.  It would generate around £55bn more in growth than Gatwick in the early years of Brexit”.

Heathrow expansion clearly has the support of small and large businesses right across the UK and is the favoured option of the majority of MPs. 

Andrew Cornish, CEO of Liverpool John Lennon Airport summed it up: “Heathrow is the UK’s hub airport. A route there would enable Liverpool to have onward connections to every continent of the globe as well as easy access to London. Liverpool has missed out on this link for over 24 years, not because there isn’t demand but because Heathrow is full.

Flybe says it now reviewing the feasibility of up to 12 new routes and is ready to discuss with the airport.  http://mediacentre.heathrow.com/pressrelease/details/81/Expansion-News-23/7311

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