11 JANUARY 2016


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Article from BTNews 11 JANUARY 2016

Aviation Club dates

The highly successful Aviation Club of the United Kingdom kicks off the new year on Wednesday 10 February at its usual Institute of Directors location with Carsten Spohr, Chairman and CEO, Lufthansa. 


The club was founded 25 years ago, in February 1990, with the express aim of providing a forum for its members to discuss, promote and develop all aspects of civil aviation.

With over 200 lunches (eight per year) to date it has hosted just about everyone who is ‘somebody’ in the industry, from government ministers, airline chiefs and those responsible for passenger safety.

The diary for 2016 looks very interesting and also includes:

Thursday 17 March
Bjorn Kjos
Founder and CEO, Norwegian Air Shuttle

Thursday 28 April 2016
Andrew Swaffield
CEO, Monarch Airlines

Thursday 9 June 2016
Fabrice Bregier
President and CEO, Airbus

Wednesday 7 December 2016
Sir Tim Clark
President, Emirates Airline

That leaves the October date to be filled and negotiations are in hand.

All are for members only plus their guests (with the club reserving the right to restrict visitors for busy dates).  With the very high quality of speakers this year many lunches will fill up and to guarantee a space membership is recommended.  www.aviationclub.org.uk

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