11 JANUARY 2016


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Article from BTNews 11 JANUARY 2016

100m passengers in a year

Hartfield Atlanta has become the first airport in the world to move 100m passengers in a year, 260,000 travellers rushing through each day. It is the home of Delta Airlines and is literally the hub of North America with 85% of passengers domestic. 

As a US city Atlanta is not very large with a population of under half a million, its geographical location perfect for airline transfer traffic.  The rise of Dubai to number one international airport (70m+) is another demonstration that with hubs it is a question of location.

By sheer coincidence Ryanair also reached the magic 100m number at the same time, helped by a 25% increase in December and a rise of the load factor to 91%. 

While figures are not out yet for 2015, it is expected that Delta, closely followed by Southwest, will continue as the world’s busiest airline both in terms of passengers carried, 130m plus, and revenue kilometres.  China Southern is now over 100m passengers too, with next up United followed by American.   www.atlanta-airport.com   www.ryanair.com

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