27 JULY 2015


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Article from BTNews 27 JULY 2015

Flight fatigue

Since we are into the (UK) holiday period it seemed a good time to publish some Air New Zealand (ANZ) ideas on overcoming flight fatigue.  New Zealand is far from anywhere and with certain Pacific islands you can fly to the day before!

1.    Before the flight, get a good night’s sleep and try to do some light exercise.  Exercising will tire you out, making sure you get better on-board sleep.

2.    Change your watch to your new time zone as soon as you board.  This mentally prepares you.  The last thing you want to do is stick with your original time zone!

3.    Try to adapt the new sleeping and eating times if possible.  Shift your eating and sleeping habits to the direction you are travelling for a few days prior to travelling in order to prepare your body for the change.

4.    As hard as it is, try to avoid the free on-board bar!  Alcohol causes dehydration and sleep deprivation.  Limit your drinks to one drink at altitude equals three on the ground.  The Editor does agree with this one and finds a good wine a splendid slumber method.

5.    Drink loads of still and sparkling water.

6.    Try to get a little bit of sleep on-board.  Avoid sleeping pills.

7.    Ask your flight attendants for some earplugs and eye masks.

8.    Keep warm when sleeping.


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