13 JULY 2015


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Article from BTNews 13 JULY 2015

IATA and ‘Davies’

Tony Tyler, Chief Executive Officer of IATA since July 2011, is no stranger to Heathrow, previously holding a similar position at Cathay Pacific.  He spoke at last week’s Runways UK conference making it very clear that the airline association supported Heathrow expansion but highlighted what he sees as some problems particularly with regard to the noise levy and realigned curfews.  Funding was another contentious point.

His summary was to the point.

“Sir Howard and his Airports Commission have performed a valuable service to Britain in completing such a thorough and decisive report.  But it would be politically naïve to presume that the case has been won.  The opponents of expansion at Heathrow are as vocal as ever.  To win this debate, we must mobilize the silent majority in the UK who want Britain to remain an open, competitive and connected economy.  In the end, the decision for a new runway in the South East of England is far more than simply a decision on where to place some tarmac and a terminal.  It is not about the opinions of a handful of cabinet ministers and a vocal number of their constituents close to Heathrow.  It is about the future of Britain as a nation that sees itself as a vigorous global centre of business and culture.”  www.iata.org

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