30 MARCH 2015


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Article from BTNews 30 MARCH 2015

WTCC plea to incoming UK government

The travel and tourism sector will demonstrate its enduring ability to create jobs and prosperity for the UK economy in 2015 with the sector forecast to grow by 4%, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) which has published its annual economic impact assessment of the sector. 

In a caveat it adds that there could be a 352,000 job loss, and £17bn shortfall if government and private companies fail to implement policies which promote proactive and careful talent management.

In 2014, the sector contributed £187.7bn in GDP and 4.2m jobs to the British economy, the fifth largest travel & tourism economy in the world.

David Scowsill, President and CEO of WTTC, said: “The WTTC urges the next UK Government to take three major steps to ensure that this sector, which contributes one in nine of all jobs in the UK, continues to grow.

"Firstly, there is a need to make visa applications easier, particularly for high-spending Chinese travellers.

"Secondly, the Air Passenger Duty tax, which remains amongst the highest in the world, must be reformed.

"Thirdly, a decision must be taken quickly on addressing the chronic under-supply of airport capacity in the South East.”

The WTTC Global Summit will be held in Madrid 15-16 April 2015.  www.wttc.org

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