21 JULY 2014


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Article from BTNews 21 JULY 2014

AND FINALLY: Tips for the traveller

An occasional series. 

Having checked in on-line when arriving at Heathrow T5 do not be put off by the large queues for the so-called ‘quick bag drop’.

Go to the main ‘customer service counter’ that we used to call ‘check-in’.

You will probably find it is pretty empty and the staff only too pleased to help.

Sadly this does not always work at outstations.

Here most of the customers have not been able to obtain a boarding pass via wi-fi and horrendous lines can developed.  At these points the outsourced handling staff are programmed only to open up two hours before departure!

If you have been able to log-in and do your stuff you might be very lucky. 

The ‘quick bag drop’ is usually empty. 

Enjoy your trip.

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