16 JUNE 2014


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Article from BTNews 16 JUNE 2014

BATA gets new Chief Executive

With the impending retirement of current Chief Executive Simon Buck, Nathan Stower has been appointed to the position at the British Air Transport Association (BATA), the trade body representing UK-registered airlines.
Nathan will join BATA on 18 August.  He is currently Head of Public Affairs at the Association of Train Operating Companies and was previously Parliamentary and External Affairs Manager at Virgin Atlantic Airways.

Barry Humphreys, Chairman of BATA, commented: “I am delighted that Nathan has agreed to join BATA and lead the organisation over the coming years.  There is no shortage of challenges facing UK airlines and I have no doubt that Nathan will be able to play a leading role in meeting them and taking BATA to a new level.  The appointment of a new Chief Executive presents the opportunity to review objectives and launch fresh initiatives and I very much look forward to working with Nathan going forward."  www.bata.uk.com

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