17 JUNE 2013
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Last week European air traffic was sent into chaos with a last minute walkout by the French air traffic union SNCTA citing concerns over EU plans for a civil airspace review.
Speaking at the Aviation Club (see BTN issue 29 April) former Eurocontrol chief David McMillan said that in October 2001 the European Commission adopted proposals for a Single European Sky to create a Union regulator for air traffic management within the EU, Norway and Switzerland. “By 2019 we might see some progress”, he said.
IATA has also weighed into the mêlée noting its own A Blueprint for a Single European Sky.
“Air travellers should not be held hostage by the ETF (European Transport Workers Federation) resistance to critical change. The fears of the ETF, which represents only a portion of European air traffic control officers, are completely misguided. Our Blueprint report shows that the SES is a win-win proposition. Reducing delays, cutting emissions, and raising safety levels will create 320,000 jobs across Europe. And it can be achieved without ATCO job losses. Strikes and industrial action are therefore totally unjustified”, said Tyler. www.iata.org
For the future it is Business Travel News intention to regularly update our website when major air traffic problems of this nature occur. Visit www.btnews.co.uk
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