11 FEBRUARY 2013


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Article from BTNews 11 FEBRUARY 2013

BAR UK appointment

Bob Schumacher of United Airlines has been voted Chairman of Board of Airline Representatives in the UK (BAR UK), the industry association that promotes the business interests of scheduled airlines with a UK operation or representation. This follows current Chair Sandra Bloodworth’s (Royal Brunei) retirement from the industry.
Mr Schumacher is a highly respected figure in the British airline community having joined the then Continental Airlines at Gatwick in 1997 from charter carrier Air 2000.  He led Continental's expansion at Gatwick and into the regions, a highly successful transfer into Heathrow and subsequently its UK migration into United Airlines.  He is now Managing Director United Airlines UK & Ireland.

With over 80 airline members, BAR UK presents the widest voice of airlines and brings a vital international perspective to issues facing the industry.  It is actively involved in any industry issues that collectively affect members including taxation, regulation and capacity.  Its role includes engaging with a host of stakeholders, including senior government ministers, government departments, regulators and airport operators. Dale Keller is now Chief Executive of BAR UK following the retirement of Mike Carrivick (see BTN 22 October).  www.bar-uk.org

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