21 JANUARY 2013


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Article from BTNews 21 JANUARY 2013

Davies Commission update

The parliamentary review of Britain’s future airport requirements, the Davies Commission, continues to make headlines, although the recommendations of the six-person panel are not due until 2015. 

This week a lobby calling itself The Progressive Aviation Group (PAG) has suggested two possible greenfield sites for a totally new airport at RAF Croughton on the Northamptonshire / Oxfordshire / Buckinghamshire borders, and the Steventon area, west of Didcot, Oxfordshire.  These are not too different to Cublington, favoured by the majority of the original 1971 review. 

Davies will publish a guidance document by the end of January 2013, designed for those intending to make proposals to the Commission, setting out how and when submissions can be made and the factors that will be taken into account in considering them.

Proposals will be accepted for making best use of existing airport capacity, for new capacity, or for other approaches, and could include short-, medium- and long-term options.

A series of working papers will be published providing an opportunity for interested parties to make their views known to the Commission and submit additional evidence for consideration.  The first of these working papers will focus on aviation demand forecasting and will be released shortly.  Expert witnesses will be invited to comment on key issues.  https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/11177/operating-protocols.pdf

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