2 AUGUST 2010


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Article from BTNews 2 AUGUST 2010

Airbus increases A320 production

A320 SERIES production will reach the 40 units per month mark during the first quarter of 2012, the EADS-owned company has announced.  This is broken down by 40, production will be at four per month in Tianjin (China), 22 in Hamburg and 14 in Toulouse.  By the end of June 2010 a total of 6,563 aircraft of the A320 family have been ordered and 4,326 delivered, leaving a record backlog in excess of more than 2,200 A320 family aircraft.  By contrast Boeing produces the 737 at a single factory in Renton near Seattle with a target next year of 35 units per month rising from the current 31.  The company says it is considering further increasing the rate but is carefully looking at the supply chain.  To date around 6,400 aircraft have been delivered, with the outstanding order book at just over 2,000. www.airbus.com

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