2 AUGUST 2010


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Article from BTNews 2 AUGUST 2010

Concept plane by Airbus

FARNBOROUGH visitors who did not bother to visit the show halls would have missed one of the most interesting aircraft at the show, and one that will never fly.  'The Airbus Concept Plane' is what Toulouse experts in aircraft materials, aerodynamics, cabins and engines came up with for a design which is an ‘engineer’s dream’ to meet future passengers expectations.  Ultra long and slim wings, semi-embedded engines, a U-shaped tail and light-weight ‘intelligent’ body all feature to further improve environmental performance or ‘eco-efficiency’.  The result: lower fuel burn, a significant cut in emissions, less noise and greater comfort.  Registration has opened for ’Fly Your Ideas’ – an Airbus global competition challenging University students to develop new ideas for a greener aviation industry.  The winners will share the top prize of €30,000; the runners-up €15,000. www.airbus-fyi.com

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