22 AUGUST 2022


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Article from BTNews 22 AUGUST 2022

Sustainable aviation fuel

For the first time in aviation history a Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) certified batch of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) has been delivered to a commercial airline.

CORSIA is a carbon offset and carbon reduction scheme to lower CO2 emissions for international flights, to curb the aviation impact on climate change. It was developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). But until now, no airline in the world has taken delivery of CORSIA-certified SAF, making this delivery a first.

“Sustainable aviation fuel is widely acknowledged as a key element in achieving the aviation industry’s goals of carbon neutral growth from 2020 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050,” says Thorsten Lange, Neste’s Executive Vice President, Renewable Aviation. “The pilot with American Airlines was a perfect opportunity for proving the feasibility of delivering CORSIA certified SAF and gaining useful insights into setting up the process and the challenges we need to overcome to enable the implementation of CORSIA”.


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