4 JULY 2022


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Article from BTNews 4 JULY 2022

AND FINALLY: What's in a name? *

Royal Caribbean (RCCL) has named its latest ship Utopia of the Seas, a rather positive way of identifying a vessel operated by humans and where problems will happen.  It will then not be Utopia.

BTN would suggest Perfection of the Seas for it next class leader.  Even if less than perfect, cruisers will at least know the standards that RCCL expects.  Go for it!

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OUR READERS' FINEST WORDS (All times and dates are GMT)

All comments are filtered to exclude any excesses but the Editor does not have to agree with what is being said. 100 words maximum

Andrew Sharp, St Albans

In the days of the Great Western Railway, its best steam engines were named after castles (for example, Caerphilly Castle) and the more pedestrian ones after halls (as in Hagley Hall). Malicious rumour was that the last three halls were named "Albert Hall", "Henry Hall" and "That's h'all"

Keith Wallis, Canterbury, England

Reminds me when Hong Kong company Titan Petrochemicals named a supertanker, Titan Uranus, seemingly unaware of the double entendre. Only after the tanker gained some notoriety over its name did the owners change it to Titan Taurus
