18 OCTOBER 2021


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Article from BTNews 18 OCTOBER 2021

Milan hosts World Routes

Coming just a week after the IATA AGM and Conference in Boston, and in Europe (Milan) the 26th World Routes gathering was less restricted on numbers. The reason could be the opportunity for people finally to get together.

The timing could not be better with the Italian airline industry in a state of flux. Just a few days later (Thursday 14 October) Alitalia stopped flying for ever, followed the next day by the introduction of ITA Airways (See in this week's BTN.)

Air transport's contribution to the Italian economy is significant, supporting 714,000 jobs and contributing €46bn to the economy – accounting for roughly 2.7% of Italy's GDP in 2019. Following the impact of Covid-19, the positive catalytic effects of air connectivity in increasing trade, tourism, investment, labour supply, and market efficiency will be more important than ever in helping Italy to rebuild its economy.

Steven Small, Director of Routes, said: “Our role has, and will always be, to bring together the world’s airlines, airports, tourism authorities, and route development stakeholders to build air services for the economic and social good of every destination.”

“By delivering a platform where these stakeholders can meet, World Routes defines the recovery of an industry profoundly impacted by Covid-19. The route development industry is about building relationships that create effective partnerships and successful networks. And, it is those partnerships that this event will support. The innovation, resilience and cooperation demonstrated by the route development community throughout this unprecedented period will continue to be paramount in its road to recovery. By working together, we can accelerate the recovery and build back better.”

For a full roundup of Milan read the anna.aero dailies:





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