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A new independent panel is being created by the Department for Transport (DfT) to enhance the decision-making work of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).In a statement the DfT made it clear that it will be made up of non-aviation experts.
The panel will sit outside of the CAA and will be available to review complaints made by individuals about the process by which the CAA has made decisions that affect them. It will be open to individuals whose cases meet a certain threshold if they remain unsatisfied following the CAA’s internal two-stage complaints processes.
Eligible complaints will cover licensing and certification decisions, such as those following an airspace infringement or the decision to suspend a licence or endorsement to an instructor or examiner.
It was not made clear without an aviation background just how the panel members will be able to evaluate on what will be highly technical matters.
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Michael carrivick, uk
Odd though it seems, this body does seem to be required. Reading letters and complaints in aviation media, it distinctly comes across that CAA is acting as judge and jury, and actually deeming 'offenders' guilty in advance. Let's watch with interest!
Dave Hunter,
tories couldn't organise a drnking party in a brewing establishment.
David Starkie, United Kingdom
Bizarre. Perhaps Grant Shapps has had his licence suspended!