2 AUGUST 2021
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Flying and cruising update.From today (Monday 2 August) fully vaccinated travellers from the EU and US will avoid quarantine when returning to the UK. Travellers will not require quarantine when arriving in the UK but will still need to book and take a PCR test on day two after arrival.
This does not apply to France which is still covered by the ‘amber’ rules due to a Beta variant outbreak in Northern France (and also in Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, according to Dominic Rabb, Foreign Secretary).
If you’ve been in France in the 10 days before you arrive in England, you must quarantine for 10 days after you arrive and take a test on or before day 2 and on or after day 8, even if you are fully vaccinated.
Many popular holiday destinations and VFR (visiting friends and relatives) countries are still on the ‘red’ list, including Argentina, India, Qatar, Turkey and UAE.
The international cruising restrictions have also been lifted, although in the short term it will not have any effect on the UK waters programme, unlike flights changing a cruise programme is much more difficult and complex. Most of the ships currently offering highly competitive holiday opportunities are scheduled to depart British waters by the end of October, either to the Mediterranean or the Caribbean. Cruise companies are still sorting out their round-the-world schedules, which often include either Japan or Australasia, with landings currently banned.
Also see August Cruise News in this week's BTN.
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