17 MAY 2021


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Article from BTNews 17 MAY 2021

Discover the World wins JetBlue

When will the services commence?  That is the question.

No date has yet been given from New York, but the start-up is probably dependent on aircraft deliveries from Airbus.  It is down to Gatwick and Heathrow for the UK destination with Boston and New York JFK as the US entry points.

Maya Gedosev, a very experienced airline marketing executive, has been appointed as General Manager Europe.  She formerly held a sales post with Flybe, and also senior positions at Air Seychelles and Etihad.

JetBlue has taken the expedient route of appointing what is effectively a UK general sales agency (GSA), in this case Discover the World.  Founded in 1983, Discover the World is a leading UK independent specialist travel company, established by Clive Stacy in 1983, still Managing Director, and with Ian Murray as CEO.  They act for a number of overseas airlines and numerous travel associated operators.   

The dedicated JetBlue operation is sited in London’s Vauxhall, very convenient for all concerned, with well-known airline industry expert Aiden Walsh in charge, assisted by Claire Herbert, Senior Sales Manager UK, and Axel Joyce, Sales Consultant.

No details yet on pricing, said to be a disruptor for British Airways and Virgin Atlantic, and as a start-up date originally it was set to coincide with the IATA AGM which has now been moved to 3-5 October, but still in Boston.



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