29 MARCH 2021


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Article from BTNews 29 MARCH 2021

Sustainable Aviation Fuel available

Progress is really being made to supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) with Centreline AV Ltd, part of the Pula Aviation Services Group, in partnership with Air bp, now offering the fuel of the future from its private terminal (FBO) at Bristol Airport.

As the first non-network user and independent retailer in the UK, Centreline has invested in the infrastructure to supply the SAF as part of its commitment to reduce the environmental impact of its operations as its plans to become carbon neutral by 2025.

The fuel is blended with traditional Jet A1 meaning there are no differences in aircraft ground handling requirements or fuel efficiency for the aircraft it is supplied to. The fuel’s journey to Bristol is also ensured by Air bp to be carbon offset.  SAF will reduce aircraft lifecycle carbon emissions by around 80% compared with the traditional jet fuel it replaces.

Gus Paterson, COO at PASL and Centreline’s Accountable Manager commented: “Our partnership with Air bp is a sustainable step forward for us as we remain committed to playing our part in reducing the impact aviation has on global carbon emissions.  By offering our charter clients a SAF option we are making progress toward being a carbon negative in air operation by 2025, as well as providing our clients with the opportunity to make sustainable choices when refuelling in Bristol.”



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OUR READERS' FINEST WORDS (All times and dates are GMT)

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Graham Stephenson, UK

Our Industry needs to have regular press releases telling the public what progress is being made to offset aviation's carbon emissions. We read many comments from the Greens about the damage we do to the environment due to aviation emissions and we need to counter that with all the progress that we are making and that we are not ignoring the effects but are working very hard to reduce carbon emissions as every responsible industry should be doing. Who knows what SAF stands for outside our industry???
