17 AUGUST 2020


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Article from BTNews 17 AUGUST 2020

Israel – UAE normalise

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recognised Israel with what is seen as a major diplomatic breakthrough.

How this will affect potential flights between Tel Aviv and both Abu Dhabi and Dubai remains to be seen.  Up until now only Egypt and Jordan have recognised the Jewish state, and with it authorised air services.  In May Emirates became the first UAE airline to fly into Ben Gurion (TLV) airport with a commercial cargo load destined for the Palestinian Authority.

Delegations from Israel and the UAE will meet in the coming weeks to sign agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications and other issues. The two countries are expected soon to exchange ambassadors and embassies.

Israeli aircraft have always had problems in the Gulf region due to overflying restrictions.  Direct routing between the UAE and Israel may be compromised with a requirement to fly over Saudi Arabia, but that country is known to have a strong low-key understanding with Israel, but might have hardliners to deal with.  Oman is likely to follow having had a good direct relationship in recent times.  Qatar and its airline remain an enigma, Israeli athletes welcome, passports with Israel stamped on them OK, but the country at loggerheads with the UAE.   




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