6 JULY 2020


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Article from BTNews 6 JULY 2020

NBAA cancelled

The world’s largest executive jet show has become the latest casualty of Covick-19. The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has announced the cancellation of annual convention scheduled for Orlando, Florida 6-8 October.

NBAA says the decision was made based on clear guidance from public health officials at all levels of government addressing the unique, complex Covid-19 related challenges associated with large indoor venues.  For example, the Florida Department of Health recently issued an advisory recommending that individuals avoid participation in gatherings of more than 50 people.

Numerous states, including Florida, have onerous travel restrictions in place, and flights to and from many international countries are banned. These restrictions make it not only difficult, but in many cases impossible for individuals and companies to participate in the world’s largest business aviation event.

“The promotion of safety is a primary reason NBAA was founded in 1947, and safety is at the foundation of all we are today,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “As Covid-19 has emerged as a pandemic, NBAA has consistently looked to local, state, federal and global health officials to inform our decisions and guide our actions with regard to live events.”

The 2021 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition is planned to take place from 12-14 October in Las Vegas.   


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