6 JULY 2020
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From 4 July, the safe return of dual flights and training flights, and the re-opening of General Aviation (GA), will be permitted in England.
Since the start of June the Department for Transport (DfT) has also relaxed the Covid-19 rules now allowing all in the same household to fly together in a light aircraft. (See BTN 8 June).
Face coverings are recommended to be worn by all individuals on aircraft, where social distancing is not possible, where it is safe to do so.
In a concise document the DfT has set out a list of guidelines most of which are already realised by the Government rules concerning the pandemic. Key to the whole scenario is the reopening of airfields and training organisations (but only in England). Essentially this is left to the individual operation.
“The question of whether any organisation should open (or reopen) is a business decision for the individual organisation. Aerodrome operators, training organisations and other GA businesses are best placed to decide whether opening is in their best interest, either from a commercial or health and safety standpoint,” says the document. “The GA team in the Department for Transport is well aware of the structural threat this period poses to GA. We are therefore working closely with the sector to mitigate any long-term negative consequences and support the restart and recovery of the aviation sector and wider economy.”
All comments are filtered to exclude any excesses but the Editor does not have to agree with what is being said. 100 words maximum
David Starkie, London
I am confused by the reference to "reopening of GA in England" but the news item on Norwich referred to the airport having been open for GA through-out?