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Article from BTNews 2 DECEMBER 2019

AND FINALLY: Westminster confusion

Delegates at the Airport Operators Association (AOA) annual conference last week, and booked with the upmarket budget hotel chain Premier Inn, found themselves somewhat confused.

It seems there are several Premier Inns within a short walk of the gathering’s venue, the former County Hall. 

They are all termed Westminster named after the Minster (cathedral). Some say St Paul's was originally “Eastminster".

There is the Premier Inn, Tohill Street, Westminster, just by Parliament Square.

The Premier Inn Westminster (Bridge), York Road, Waterloo.

The Premier Inn Westminster (St James's Park). 

Plus the Premier Inn County Hall (where you can see the City of Westminster).

Come Mr Whitbread, let York Road be renamed Waterloo, and after the battle, not ABBA. St James's Park, just St James's Park. Tothill Street, a superior property, would then become the only Premier Inn Westminster.

The story is told of two AOA delegates who met in the Belvedere Road square opposite County Hall. 

Their paths crossed as they made their way to the correct Premier Inn.

Westminster is confusing enough without Premier Inn getting into the act.


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