25 NOVEMBER 2019
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The latest craze with high-rise operators in Israel is for lifts (elevators) that predetermine which floor you get out. Coupled with British train operators giving false news, life is getting even more difficult for people on the move.
Firstly Israel.
In more and more hotels and office blocks, if you want to go to a certain floor you have to predetermine on a panel before you get into the lift. Once the doors close, that’s it. Your allotted floor and nothing else. It’s said to be more efficient and eco-friendly. But you can’t travel with a companion getting off elsewhere. And if you change your mind, you need to get out and press another button.
As for British trains, East Midlands Railway, and previously LNER, now close the gate 2min before the departure time in order to be punctual. BTN thinks this is a bit excessive. Surely 30sec will do! It’s false news. The 11:00 from King's Cross to York goes at 11:00, not 10:58!
All comments are filtered to exclude any excesses but the Editor does not have to agree with what is being said. 100 words maximum
Peter Barry, Miami/USA
Yes...couldn't agree more re the lifts....some high rise buildings here in Miami have gone down the same route...when there are two or more people this really can be an issue...the irony is that a simple programming change is easy..hopefully soon! Re the EMR....so glad I do not rely on UK trains for my commute...especially now that Virgin Trains is closing down!! All the best and keep doing what you are doing Richard/team...love reading BTN - you make my Mondays so much better!! Cheers Peter
Andrew Sharp, St Albans
Remind me how soon flights close before scheduled departure?
Allan Schoenherr, prague, CZ
We have this in our office in Prague. Works quite well except when you accidentally get in the wrong lift and have no way to rectify it. End up in the basement car park and have to ascend all over again.