26 AUGUST 2019


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Article from BTNews 26 AUGUST 2019

AND FINALLY: Joke of the year

The Edinburgh Fringe offers annually a non-existent prize for the funniest joke at the festival. BTN did not agree with the winner, something about broccoli, even with the writer a Luton Town supporter.

Here is our listing taken from the BBC website where you can enjoy the official top 10.

1. "Someone stole my antidepressants. Whoever they are, I hope they're happy." – Richard Stott

2. "What's driving Brexit? From here it looks like it's probably the Duke of Edinburgh." – Milton Jones

3. "A thesaurus is great. There's no other word for it." – Ross Smith


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OUR READERS' FINEST WORDS (All times and dates are GMT)

All comments are filtered to exclude any excesses but the Editor does not have to agree with what is being said. 100 words maximum

Henk Heiden, The Netherlands

What about this one from Pieter Elbers, the CEO of KLM earlier this year in an interview: “And we don't fly because we like it so much, we do it for our customers.” This is for me the Joke of 2019 in aviation in The Netherlands.
