5 AUGUST 2019
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A new arrivals facility for domestic travellers from other parts of the UK and Republic of Ireland was opened by Gatwick last week providing what the airport called a faster and more convenient exit from the aircraft through a new dedicated route.
The £24m investment means arriving passengers can now disembark aircraft from a jetty or via aircraft steps straight into the terminal. A dedicated baggage reclaim belt has also been installed, freeing capacity for international passengers.
The investments are part of Gatwick’s £1.11bn capital investment programme and a global commitment by Vinci Airports, which owns 50.01% of Gatwick, to find the most innovative ways to optimise infrastructure and passenger movement.
Previously, arrivals from parts of the UK, including the Channel Islands, and the Republic of Ireland had to be coached to a special baggage reclaim area to ensure segregation from international passengers, in line with immigration policies.
The additional investment in e-gates and biometric technology has transformed the gateroom process by using more efficient self-service with iris recognition and reconciliation distinguishing UK and Republic of Ireland passengers from international travellers.
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John Baxter-Smith, Sussex
So what happens after hard Brexit with ROI passengers - how will they be screened through customs?