8 JULY 2019


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Article from BTNews 8 JULY 2019

New name for travel management guild

The GTMC, formerly the Guild of Travel Management Companies, has announced an immediate rebrand to the Business Travel Association (BTA), with the new identity and logo unveiled at last week’s annual overseas conference in Noordwijk.

The change coincides with the forthcoming launch in Westminster of an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) exclusively for business travel and is designed to underline the association’s special position in the industry.

CEO Adrian Parkes, who retires this summer, noted the association had steadily expanded the scope of its work with initiatives to future-proof the industry, including liaison with government, promoting the economic benefits of business travel and developing talent.

“This evolution to the BTA celebrates a step change for the association and allows us to communicate more clearly the board’s broadened strategy,” he added.

“Our commitment to unifying our members and partners behind solutions to cross-industry issues remains strong and we are excited to build upon this work for a brighter future.”

The association has appointed Gray Dawes Group CEO Suzanne Horner chair of its executive board, replacing Paul Allan who stepped down after Clarity’s acquisition of Ian Allan Travel. Horner has more than three decades’ experience in travel.


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