24 JUNE 2019


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Article from BTNews 24 JUNE 2019

Luxon steps down at Air New Zealand

The search is on for a new chief executive for Air New Zealand after Christopher Luxon said last week he was stepping down from his role in September after seven years in the job.

The airline said Luxon would give up day-to-day leadership of the company on 25 September and would then “move to advising and supporting the incoming chairman and new CEO” to ensure a “seamless transition”.

Chairman Tony Carter, who is also leaving, said the board had started an international search for a new CEO and expected to announce the new appointment in the near future.

Luxon said he was incredibly proud of what he had achieved during his tenure. He said: “Our customer centricity, commercial focus, and highly-engaged culture have made Air New Zealand the most revered company in our part of the world.

“However, I feel it is the right time for a new leader to take over and preserve and enhance the good things from our past, but also to put their own stamp on the organisation.”

Luxon refused to confirm he might enter politics, but there is precedent – New Zealand prime minister John Key is himself a former CEO of the airline.


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