10 JUNE 2019


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Article from BTNews 10 JUNE 2019

Young Aviation Professionals (YAP)

The Aviation Club of the United Kingdom is progressing with its scheme to encourage young aviation professionals to get involved with the industry at informal networking events.

The next gathering is on Wednesday (12 June) at The Tattersall Castle (The Pub on the Thames), just upstream from Embankment Underground.

The YAP initiative is a Committee-led programme born from the recognition that younger up-coming industry professionals may not yet be able to attend Club events or commit to annual membership.  A quarterly programme of events for younger industry colleagues and students aged between 20 and 35 years was launched in May 2018 and since then the network has steadily grown to some 200+ registered 'members'. 

All events are fairly informal with the objective of networking amongst peers and furthering industry connections and some briefly address topical industry subjects through discussion or panel debate.  The YAP programme is open to both members and non-members and event tickets cost just £20 per person, offering a great way to meet new industry contacts. 

Tickets are now available for the YAP summer event, which has been generously supported by ICF.  The Reception will run from 18:00-19:30 on Wednesday (12 June) at The Tattersall Castle, SW1A 2HR.  Tickets at £20 each can be booked HERE.



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