13 MAY 2019


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Article from BTNews 13 MAY 2019

Emirates A380 wows Glasgow

New daily services between Glasgow and Dubai operated by an Emirates Airbus A380 superjumbo have been making history north of the border as the first regular flights of the iconic aircraft to Scotland (BTN 15 April).

The development meant big changes for Glasgow Airport, which invested more than £8m to upgrade its infrastructure to prepare to receive the A380, which can weigh up to 575 tonnes, on a regular basis.

Managing director Mark Johnston said: “It may have taken just a few moments for the A380 to land, but the planning and effort that has gone into bringing this iconic aircraft to Glasgow Airport has been years in the making.

“The Emirates Glasgow – Dubai service has been a huge success story for Scotland. By investing more than £8m upgrading our infrastructure, we are confident Scotland’s busiest long-haul route will continue to flourish.”

Emirates vice-president UK Richard Jewsbury added: “The arrival of the A380 is a new milestone in Emirates’ 15-year relationship with Glasgow Airport and a step forward for Scottish air travel."

The A380 service is running until 30 September and will then revert to a twice-daily Boeing B777 operation.



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