25 MARCH 2019


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Article from BTNews 25 MARCH 2019

Airport parking by robot

A robot-controlled valet parking system said to be the first of its kind went into operation at Lyon-Saint Exupéry airport last week in preparation for a large-scale introduction early next month.

The “Stanley Robotics outdoor automated valet system”, developed in partnership with Aéroports de Lyon, will soon extend to  500 spaces in car park P5+, with four autonomous robots operating simultaneously and 12 cabins to accommodate and return vehicles.

Officials say the system means passengers no longer have to waste time searching for available spaces before their flights or looking for their vehicles when they return to the car park.

Instead, passengers book a parking space on the Lyon Airport website, drop their vehicles in a dedicated cabin, then reach the terminals via a shuttle service located nearby.

Valet robots then pick up each car and park it in the secure parking lot. On returning from a trip, passengers recover their vehicles from one of the cabins.

The project began in July 2017 with a partnership between London-based Stanley Robotics and Aéroports de Lyon, part of the Vinci Airports group, to deploy robotic valet technology at Lyon-Saint Exupéry to meet growing demand need for parking spaces.




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